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GREENTIDE Sustainable Target Solutions

All targets are delivered flat-packed, are biodegradable and environmentally responsible.

Assembly is straight forward and easily accomplished in demanding environments.

Biodegradable Small Arms Target - Maritime (BSAT-M)
Designed for naval small arms shoots, helicopter door-gunnery and amphibious training activities. These targets are also used for Aerial Firebombing training of pilots and forward observers.

Deployed by hand from sea vessel or helicopter. Available from 85cm to 2.5m high Set and forget.

Click on the picture for additional BSAT-M detail.

Biodegradable Small Arms Target - Land (BSAT-L)
Designed for combined arms attacks, helicopter door-gunnery and general small arms engagements where set and forget is ideal.


Biodegradable Individual Target
Designed as a sustainable alternative to in-service small arms Figure 11 type targets. Stands alone utilising sandbag or tie to stake or star picket.


Sports and Recreational (SAR) Targets
Biodegradable sporting shooters target. Incorporates zeroing target on one side withfox, rabbits and ducks on other three sides. Quickly and easily assembled and floats for use on dams.

Customisable Targets 

Full Scale 3D Vehicle (FSV)
Designed to provide a 1:1 scale target for simulated helicopter engagements, indirect fire training and combined arms activities.


Infrared and Thermal Compatible
Designed to support infrared and thermal sensor systems for a wide range of training activities.