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GREENTIDE Sustainable Target Solutions.

Greentide Target Solutions is committed to providing sustainable target solutions to enable capability to be realised while also being friendly to the environment.

Unfortunately, past and present targets tend to be far from environmentally friendly. Maritime (and land) targets are usually made from PVC Vinyl/plastic or improvised with make-shift materials. These can be costly and cumbersome to transport and recover and are generally damaging to the environment or wildlife if not fully recovered.

Although target retrieval is planned and considered as part of their use, the reality is not all targets are found and/or recovered with these having a significant impact on the environment and other ocean or land users.

Greentide Target Solutions provides an alternative to this by delivering purpose designed targets that quickly break down, are environmentally friendly and hence negate the need for retrieval/recovery.

Whether it be a land or maritime based requirement, Greentide Target Solutions can provide an environmentally responsible targetry solution - living up to the motto... "Enabling Capability Through Sustainability"