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GREENTIDE Sustainable Target Solutions.

Greentide targets are made from recycled fibres, starch based adhesives and water soluble inks. This unique combination of sustainable products allows the targets to degrade over time ensuring that capability needs are met with as little impact to the environment as possible. The rate of degradation varies between targets with our maritime targets breaking down within a matter of hours whereas our land based targets are designed to provide effective targetry for several weeks.

As well as being environmentally responsible, Greentide targets are purpose designed for versatility and practicality. Our targets are light weight and transported flat packed. As such, they take up a minimum of stowage/storage space and are ideal for deployment from helicopters and off the back of ships.

The proprietary design of our targets is such that they are quick and easy to assemble and deploy which maximises training time.

Target Benefits include:
• Environmentally Responsible
• Transport Flat Packed
• Easily Stowed/Stored
• Light Weight
• Purpose Designed
• Simple Assembly & Deployment
• No Recovery/Retrieval Needed