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maritime target.jpg

Maritime Targets New

Maritime (floating) Targets

Available in regular, large and extra large, these targets are designed for naval small arms shoots, helicopter door-gunnery and amphibious training activities and are a sustainable alternative to the ‘killer tomato’ and ‘killer fruit’ type plastic targets.

They also provide floating targets to assist with aerial firebombing training of both pilots and observers.

The targets are delivered flat packed and are assembled easily and quickly. The targets are modular and designed to be deployed by hand from naval vessels with the regular and large targets also deployable from helicopters.

All targets are set and forget, environmentally friendly and will degrade within 24 hours.

BSAT Regular

Regular Maritime Target

Regular sized biodegradable maritime target with high visibility red and yellow checkered pattern or orange.

Deployed floating height approx. 0.85m (32"). Weight approx. 2kg (4.4lbs).

Flat pack size containing 5 targets approx. 0.9x1.0x0.12m (36"x40"x5").

BSAT Large

Large Maritime Target
Large sized biodegradable maritime target with high visibility red and yellow checkered pattern or orange. Target comes with ties on each corner enabling daisy chaining of multiple targets.

Deployed floating height approx. 1.25m (50"). Weight approx. 4.5kg (10lbs).

Flat pack size containing 4 targets approx. 1.5x1.3x0.12m (60"x51"x5").

BSAT Extra Large

Extra Large Maritime Target
Extra large sized biodegradable maritime target in red and yellow checkered pattern or orange. This target consists of four large targets tied together ensuring the smallest possible stowage size. This target is not designed for helicopter deployment.

Deployed floating height approx. 2.5m (100"). Weight approx. 18kg (40lbs).

Flat pack size containing 4 targets approx. 1.5x1.3x0.12m (60"x51"x5").